For increasing number of immigrants, a 'new life in America' starts in South Dakota The state's population of people born overseas grew by 45.5% between 2010 and 2022, compared to 15.6% across the entire United States.
Girls-only cybersecurity camp challenges stereotypes There are now more than 200 women in the Beacom College of Computer and Cyber Sciences at Dakota State University: "Not a hacker hiding in mom's basement."
South Dakota's mosquito war CDC says 61 out of 66 South Dakota counties have a high incidence of West Nile virus cases in humans, with Brown, Pennington and Minnehaha counties having the highest. But a single case can swing the stats.
Harrisburg, Tea, Box Elder lead booming South Dakota cities Eighteen South Dakota municipalities now top 5,000 residents, and all grew in 2020-23 except for Brandon, Aberdeen, Madison, Mitchell, Pierre and Sturgis: "It's rural America at as good as it can get."