Megan Luther

Megan Luther

Total 9 Posts
  • Mitchell, South Dakota
Title: freelance journalist; expertise: central South Dakota, rural issues, adoption, addiction, demographics and data; language spoken: English; contact:

Must an Amber Alert be issued within a certain amount of time?

The alerts notify the public of abducted children via TV and radio broadcasting, highway signs, cellphones and the internet.

Does the state of South Dakota penalize women for taking an abortion pill?

A short fact brief that refutes or confirms a claim with supporting information and additional evidence and context.

Does South Dakota track whether its nest predator bounty program improves pheasant numbers?

A fact brief on the nest predator bounty program, whose goal is to protect pheasant and duck nests by paying residents for killing predators such as raccoons and red foxes.

Is Canada South Dakota's biggest trading partner?

A short fact brief that refutes or confirms a claim with supporting information and additional evidence and context.

Do South Dakotans have the highest rate of medical debt in the nation?

A short fact brief that refutes or confirms a claim with supporting information and additional evidence and context.

Are more elderly South Dakotans working?

Fact brief that refutes or confirms statements with supporting information and additional evidence and context.

Is South Dakota required to provide ambulances to 911 callers?

Fact brief: Rural areas are more susceptible to limited EMS.
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