Tom Griffith
Total 10 Posts
SD school districts increasingly rely on tax opt-outs to aid strained budgets
While South Dakota teachers have earned raises over the past two years courtesy of a new half-cent sales tax, school districts across the state continue to struggle with their budgets.
Nominal increases in state aid to education have crippled local budgets and caused many districts to consider significant programming cuts
Education officials: State must act to keep momentum in teacher salaries
South Dakota no longer has the lowest-paid teachers in the nation, but education officials caution that lawmakers must maintain an aggressive approach to funding if that status is to continue.
According to 2018 rankings and estimates by the National Education Association, South Dakota had the highest percentage increase in average
Expanded gambling in S.D. could pay off for Yankton
YANKTON, S.D. – Backers of Port Yankton, a proposed gambling and entertainment complex along the Missouri River at Yankton, are betting they can gather the necessary signatures from South Dakota voters to place the issue on the 2020 ballot.
Representatives of the Yankton Area Progressive Growth group had hoped the