Medicaid work requirements in South Dakota? Only if Trump wins.

South Dakota voters will decide on Amendment F, a legislative effort to allow employment criteria to be used for able-bodied adults to receive Medicaid benefits.

Tourism targets next generation of Sturgis rally-goers

In the past two years of Sturgis Motorcycle Rally campaigns, 97% of advanced bookings are from people 49 years old and younger.

Armour shop owner jailed over nuisance property ruling

The case demonstrates the clash of personal rights with the need to protect the entire community and keep small towns from dying.

How South Dakota and Michigan took different paths to 'election integrity'

Democratic-controlled Michigan expanded voting opportunities through ballot measures while Republican-led South Dakota restricted access with legislative action. Both states believe that they're on the right track.

For increasing number of immigrants, a 'new life in America' starts in South Dakota

The state's population of people born overseas grew by 45.5% between 2010 and 2022, compared to 15.6% across the entire United States.

Anti-abortion group: Amendment G can make ballot and still be discounted

Group says secretary of state can make public statement that "no votes for or against the measure will be counted or have any impact."

Alcohol's impact: 35, dry and dying while waiting for a transplant

Chronic liver disease is now the leading cause of death of South Dakotans in their 30s. “Alcohol is particularly challenging because it's prevalent. It's relatively cheap, and it's not in any way illegal."
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